What is Kamatsu Ryu Ninpo

Kamatsu Ryu Ninpo Puerto Rico is a martial arts school located in Puerto Rico that teaches the Kamatsu Ryu Ninpo style of Ninjutsu. The school was founded by O’Sensei Miguel Camacho in the late decade of 70’s.


The school offers training in traditional Ninjutsu techniques, including unarmed combat, weapons training, stealth, and evasion tactics. It also incorporates other martial arts styles and disciplines into its curriculum, such as Karate, Jujutsu, Jujitsu, Shorinji and American Kempo, Aikido, and many other. In addition to physical training, the school places emphasis on the development of mental and spiritual aspects, as well as values such as respect, discipline, and perseverance.

Mission, Vision and Values

Our Mission

The KAMATSU RYU NINPO PUERTO RICO, INC. and its Dojos (Schools) are non-profit community organizations that offer Ninjutsu and martial arts classes for all ages. Our primary mission focuses on developing in each of our students self-confidence, health and fitness, discipline and skills necessary to defend themselves and succeed in life through the teachings of Ninjutsu.  Our goal is to help people tap into their potential, seeking balance and grace through movement, while establishing a solid foundation of integrity and self-discipline that will facilitate personal and professional success.



Our Vision

Our organization and Dojos are committed to the promotion, development and teaching of Ninjutsu, Self Defense, Survival and Martial Arts. Our goal through our art is to help our students realize their potential, seeking balance and creating a solid foundation in our students for their physical and intellectual growth and positive psychological development through training, motivation and encouragement.




Our organization teaches and promotes the following values in all our students:



Respect, Courtesy, Self-esteem, Integrity, Self-control, Humility, Respect for others, Perseverance, Benevolence, Discipline, Indomitable spirit, Loyalty and Brotherhood.



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