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We are pleased to invite you to visit our Kamatsu Ryu Ninpo Systems Dojo, located on the city of Coamo PR.

We are excited with your visit.

Shidoshi  Jose M. Santiago, is leading this new school to offer the best of Kamatsu Ryu Ninpo Defense and Kyujutsu (Archery) Systems.

Santiago is one of the oldest student of O' Sensei Miguel Camacho and has a martial arts experience of over 35 years, and Black Belt ranks in many martial arts.

 ! Contac us at:  

Urb. Los Flamboyanes
B-1 # 1 Street
Coamo PR 00769

P O Box 2705

Coamo PR  00769

(787) 594-4130

Or e-mail: senseijosesantiago@gmail.com

Need Information? Write us